The Brazilian Association of African Mahogany Producers (ABPMA) was born in 2011, from the union of foresters of the genus Khaya on Brazilian soil. At that time, we were half a dozen producers who already dreamed of making African mahogany become the largest species of trees planted in Brazil and in the world. Moving towards this goal, we have grown slowly in the number of members, but in a positive way and with firm steps. As a result, we added people who shared the same ideas. Today we are an expressive number of planters that hold at least a quarter of the total amount of mahogany planted in Brazil. There were many actions to publicize the beauty of the wood, academic studies, and the promotion of meetings that aggregated not only the members, but the entire African mahogany planting community. We have not yet finished the first cycles, but we have learned a lot! We hope with all the work that has been done, to leave a legacy for the history of African mahogany in Brazil.
Dreamers, investors, pioneers, felt the need to unite and organize themselves in an association that would meet their needs to share the little knowledge we have of the species on Brazilian soil. This union has brought us here. There are many years of sharing, friendship and generosity in sharing the information generated in studies and the experimental practice of each one. The success of this type of behavior has generated an extremely united group, engaged in its objectives and very proactive: it has become a reference in the cultivation of this species in Brazil. With the support of the ABPMA Board of Directors, these associates have been standing out in the cultivation of Mahogany in the national and international scene. The Association is formed by an Executive Board and several groups created to develop and resolve matters of interest. Taking advantage of the professional skills of members, the Board organizes and invites members to be an active part of these groups. Members of the current Executive Board: President: Ricardo Ribeiro Tavares Executive Director: Patricia Alves Fonseca Directors: André Baduy, Flavius Rubira, Luciana Maluf, Paulo Sabonge, Paulo Cardoso, Raphael Cruz, Ricardo Mezonato.
ABPMA came to unite the producers in a group of members and technical staff that join forces together to add quality and confidence in the production stages to the commercialization of the species. We are the home and family of the mahogany for the Brazilian producer. Our goals: - Encourage and disseminate techniques and research to members. - Encourage good practices and sustainability in the field. - Create and maintain the mindset exchange of experiences between producers, reinforcing the associative spirit. - Be a source of true and suitable information. - Promote seminars and meetings between associates and guests from the entire forestry sector. - Be a liaison between universities, researchers and the producers. - Have presence in events, fairs and missions, national and international, in the area. - Assist the associate with planning for individual and joint commercialization.- Promote the African Mahogany to be recognized and well priced in the national market. - Make Brazil the largest producer of African Mahogany in the world. -Indications of reliable professionals for the needs of the producer. - Disclosure of the Association and the species in various communication vehicles. The producers' success is the main objective of ABPMA. To achieve this goal, we will make this Association your home, the home of producers.
African Mahogany of ABPMA’s Associates: present in 9 states and 47 counties, with 66% of the farms located in the state of Minas Gerais. The municipalities are:
MINAS GERAIS: Acuruí, Araçuaí, Buritizeiro, Campos Altos, Capelinha, Capinopolis, Carmo do Paranaiba, Carmo do Rio Claro, Corinto, Felixlandia, Iguarapé, Iraí de Minas, Januaria- Itacarambi, Lassance, Leandro Ferreira, Matias Cardoso-Jaíba, Montalvânia, Natalândia-Unaí, Ninheira, Nova Porteirinha, Oliveira Fortes, Paracatu (2), Pirapora, Rio Paranaíba- Araçuaí, Sacramento, São Roque de Minas, Senhora de Oliveira, Taquaraçu de Minas, Vargem Bonita(2), Várzea da Palma, Vazante. GOIÁS: Bonfinópolis, Cachoeira Alta, itaberaí-Itapuranga, Nova Crixás. TOCANTINS: Dianópolis, Peixe, Santa Rosa do Tocantins. SÃO PAULO: José Bonifácio, Ribeirão Preto, São Carlos, Taubaté. MATO GROSSO: Paranaíba MATO GROSSO DO SUL: Chapadão do Sul BAHIA: Juazeiro PARÁ: Paragominas SANTA CATARINA: São João do Itaperiú CEARÁ: Beberibe
One of our goals is to create bonds between planters, as we believe that a successful future will depend on the sum of forces: of the work to produce quality wood, of the exchange of information to minimize losses, of the planning for commercialization and profit generation . Among the many benefits of being an Associate, we can mention the groups formed and organized by subjects, where the member has ample and total space to participate and question.
Formed by the best researchers and academics, financing research of interest to members
Formed by members who already have wood to sell, estimating this timber stock annually for a period of 4 years. This group plans and seeks sources for the commercialization of the wood, aiming to maximize the profits from planting and supplying quantities that meet demand.
Formed by all associates, all partner researchers, agronomists and forestry engineers and consultants in all areas related to cultivation. In this group all questions about planting can be asked, and the answers will come from the best professionals and researchers on the subject.
Formed by associates with extensive experience in the financial market. They jointly seek alternatives for financing plantations in public and private financial institutions. They encourage new investors for the associates' businesses.
Formed by professionals from the area, that are always updating the website, social networks, and mainly, looking for quality and interesting content to be published for the entire sector.
"Cassio Santos, our associate, says that after being interested in the culture of African Mahogany, he stayed for several years with the "shelved" project until he arrived at ABPMA and with the support of our Director and support from members, nurseries and partners, planned and started his plantation that is eye-popping nowadays."
"Our associates Michel and Fausto from the Mogno Verde farm in Paragominas / PA. Together they do the most advanced seed selection work in the country. They have the support of our association and are open to visitation by members and interested parties."
"ABPMA undoubtedly strengthened the category of African Mahogany producers in Brazil. In addition to enabling members to share rich technical knowledge, especially through carefully organized seminars, it encourages activity by inserting African Mahogany in the select decoration market. A growing sector depends on a united category and it is precisely through an association of national scope that this union is strongly achieved. "
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